Friday, November 29, 2013

Turkey Trifle

Don't know what to do with your Thanksgiving leftovers? Want to bring a one-of-a-kind dish to a Thanksgiving party? Try making a Turkey Trifle! It's an original creation that's never been made before! Follow these simple steps:

A trifle dish that can be purchased for around $10
1) Obtain a trifle dish. Prices range from $10 to $20.

2) Bake one circular pan of cornbread. Make more depending on your preferences. If you are all baked out, Krusteaz or Jiffy mixes are great!

3) Pack down each cornbread layer with your hands. Tip: Drizzle some gravy on the cornbread to help pack it down and hold in the moisture (see below).
Pack down each cornbread layer

4) Add ~2 cups of stuffing on top of the cornbread.

5) Put a thin layer of cornbread on top.

Cranberry Sauce
6) Add 1 cup of cranberry sauce to the next layer, which also splashes a little color to the trifle.

Mashed Potatoes
7) Again layer more cornbread.

8) Use 2 cups of creamy mash potatoes for the last layer. Tip: add some milk to spread.

Decorate the top!
9) Top off the trifle with 1/2 cup of gravy and sprinkle some cornbread crumbs if desired.

10) Get creative! Everyone has different tastes and favorite Thanksgiving dishes. Substitute turkey, squash, or biscuit for some layers or use more cranberry sauce to make a sweeter trifle. 
Good luck and have fun!

A colorful and tasty meal for the family following Thanksgiving

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